To anonymous..

Well okey.. this is for you who are to cowardly to write your own name when you leave a comment. I have no fuckin' idea who you are, but I wouldn't be surprised if you're one of mine fucked up friends who's just jerking around with me.

Anyway.. if you really are someone that I don't know I will now write a friendly post about YOU.. yeye.. fucktard!
Are you for real? I mean you are so pathetic that you aren't able to get your own girlfriend? You have to find someone online, threw another persons weblog? Hm.. I don't even know what to say.

Let me guess. You are about sixteen years old? Never kissed a girl? Live at home with mom and dad? Oh how cute. You probably don't even know how to brush your fucking teeths. It's just lame.

So.. to finish things up a bit. Get yourself a life. Go pick up a fine women and get laid. Wanna know why? Because here you wont be seeing any women. Not my women anyway. She's too fuckin' hot for you!

But.. just to be nice. I will post a picture of another fine lady that I think will suite you better.

Just so you know.. I have an idea about who you are. And if I'm right thats too bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FU! Amonna take your girrrl! I know shes hot!!11!1!!! If u wanna keep her, hold on to her otherwise shes mine! HEHEHEHHEHEH