Hm.. for some fucking reason I couldn't add an topic to this post. THANK YOU MICROSOFT!
Yes I know, I'm at the moment using a PC with MS Windows. I'm a shame. I mean, when using a Mac everything just works! You don't really have to do anything.
For those of you who don't believe me, check this out.
Buy and use a PC!
1. You have to choose between 3 million different computers depending of what you are about to use it for. (1-3 hours)
2. When done. You have to get this enormous box home. This box is often very ugly, heavy and just useless. (1 hour)
3. Unpack the PC. (30 min)
4. Plug it in. (3-30 min)
5. BLUESCREEN!! (Yeah PC uses Windows, and Windows equals fucking bluescreen)(15 min)
6. You just remembered that you haven't even installed Windows yet. (1 min)
7. Install Windows. (3 hours)
8. Configure Windows (1 hour)
9. Install Antivirus/spyware-programme (1 hour)
10. Scan your PC for spyware/virus (3 hours)
11. Enjoy! (For about 2 days before you have to do step 5, 7, 8, 9 and10 again)
Buy and use a Mac!
1. Choose between about ten products. (30 min)
2. Carry the nice design-box home. (It has a very nice handle ontop of this box) (30min)
3. Unpack the Mac. (5 min)
4. PLug it in. (5 min)
5. Enjoy! And it just works! No Antivirus/spyware-programme!
So, which computer is the best? And don't you say: "PC! You can't play games on a Mac" THAT'S FALSE! You CAN play almost any game on a Mac.
Just because you can't play everything directly in OS X. So what? Use fucking Parallels Desktop. It couldn't be easier.
And this is why you should buy a Mac!
Okey, that was some serious shit. Let's write about something not so serious.
How about fucking ducks. I like ducks. Remember the ugly duckling who actually was a swan? He that fellow wasn't that good looking. At least not as good looking as me! I'm so good looking that even Hugh Hefner would be yellous. Not that he is good looking either but he has a lot, A LOT of girls. And he's like 75 years old. What's up with that? It's just crazy.
Well well... off I go!
1 comment:
Or just buy a PC and install OSX86. If you don´t know what that is... google.
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