
I finally got my thumb out of my ass and created this weblog.

Hm.. I really have no clue what to write about. My cat maybe.
Well.. I have a cat. He's name is Frans.. or Frasse.. or Fräjsche.. or Frasse Bus.. or Katten.. or Kattisen.. aaw fuck it. Let's just say he has a lot of names. Actually he has so many names that I can't remember what we named him in the beginning. Pineapple maybe..

Okey, let's skip the cat for a second.
My name is.. .. damn. I just remembered.. I have a lots of names to. But if I can remember it right i was named and baptised to Karl in my early days.. now I have a couple of more names. There is my nickname in "the real world"; Kalle, and ofcourse I have a nickname in "the fake world" (online) wich is toad.

Why toad then? Well, lets keep it easy. When I let my hair grow out, after a while it gets so big that my head looks like a mushroom. And I hope you fuckers remember Toad? You know, the small mushroom-guy in almost all of the Super Mario games. And since I look like a mushroom, and he is a mushroom, my nickname online is toad.

Maybe I will post a picture of either me or my cat in the future.. but not now. I need a smoke..quick.. now.. OH MY GOD I'M FUCKIN' DYING HERE! GIVE ME A SMOKE FOR FUCKS SAKE!!! Nah, just kidding.. I'm not dying.. I'm alive.. you see? I'm right here..

Well that's it for now.. maybe, just maybe, I will write something more later..
Up, up, up and awaaaay.. from the sofa.

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