
Check this out yo biatches! It's ma' flickr photo album.

Unfortunately it only contains one picture at the moment, but be patient my children, I will upload som more when I fell like it. Probably a couple more pics just after I finished this post.

From one thing to another..
At the moment I'm sitting here next to my hairy friend Bo. And yes he is hairy.. he's so hairy you can't even tell if he's only a fuzzy ball or actually a human being. It's hard to tell.

And yes.. I almost forgot.. Evul has resurrected from the dead! If you scroll down a bit you can see that he's picture has returned. No one knows where he's been all this time. Maybe he was hiding like the coward he is. Maybe he was kidnapped by the evil pineapples. No one knows. Not me anyway.. but I heard someone was talking about him. Apperantly he has sworn to avenge his death.

Okey, back to the rabbithunt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you <3