Filthy experience in the world of abuse and soft jars with jam..

Look at that topic. That cant be healthy. SOFT jars with jam! That's just crazy. I'm crazy.. I mean.. I write about all this crap. And I'm still alive!? If this was the real world and if all of us wasn't living in an artificial reality with soap opras and computerscreens, we would all be damned to the flames of hell for a long time ago!

Well okey. I have to tell you a secret. Promise to keep quiet about it. Our world as we use to call planet Earth isn't actually round. Its shaped like a round square with purple dots. (!!!) It's true! I am not shitting you! Well.. maybe just a little bit.

I really don't know how I come up with all these ideas I have. All this junk I write about. YOU FUCKING CORPULENT PIG! Oh.. sorry. That wasn't suppose to happen. It just did. I'M SORRY! OKEY?!

And oh.. I almost forgot. It was my birthday last monday! Sweet! Let's see now. My last birthday I was turning something like four. Or sixteen. I can't remember. Anyway.. Last monday I turned eightynine. I think. So now I'm allowed to buy my own beer and booze! Hell yeah!

From all that crazy crap to something a little bit more serious.
What is it? Is it a cellphone? Is it an iPod? Is it a new lame smartphone from Nokia or SonyEricsson? Or is it an elephant? NO! It's the iPhone! I don't know what to tell you about it actually. It's just amazing! It's a regular cellphone with an iPod! And the developers of this spectacular invention is Apple! The fuckin' rule! Not long ago I bought myself an MacBook, also from Apple, and I get more and more amazed by it every single day!
So.. all of you fucktards who's reading this fucked up shit. Go and buy yourself a MacBook, and when you get the chance, an iPhone! NOW!

One hour later...
Just came back from eating burgers at Corner. Then we took a quickie to the sun and back. I must say that it's kinda' hot over there. Almost like 58°C. And THAT is hot!

Well well.. this was almost a serious post. Hm.. that wasn't true. The day that I write a serious post George W. Bush will take his bicycle down to Iraq and Afghanistan and apologize to all the families whos relatives he have killed. And that don't sound so likely. Right?

Oh well.. gotta go save Robin Hood from the vicious buttplugs og pinetrees!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great! But, where is pic of your girrrrrl? I told you I go crazy STMF! Im gonna take her from you, you be crybaby!