Work and knifes

Step 1. Carv out a new shape on 380 boxes
Step 2. Put the 380 boxes in a nice pile
Step 3. Take one box at the time and glue it so it actually looks like a box.
Step fuckin' 4. Do this with threehoundred-fuckin'-eighty boxes!

Hm. That was boring to write about. Let's write about something else. Like.. paperbags, or dogs, or purple flowers with telephones! Aaw. I don't know. I'm to hungry to write about anything actually.

Okey.. On my table at the moment I have so much junk and crap I can't barely see my computer.

And my back hurts. It really does. And it's your fault! YES YOU! YOUR FUCKIN' DAMN FAULT!
That's because you are not flawless like me.. I'm the only flawless person in the universe! I am RoboCop so what did you expect?

Okey.. here's a conversation I had with Santa Claus before

ZH: Hi you fucking fuck.
Santa: Hello (like a schoolgirl)
ZH: So.. I heard you like raindeers?
Santa: Yes I do.
Santa: What was that?
ZH: I farted.
Santa: ...
ZH: Fucktard.
Santa: I like my little helpers.
ZH: I bet you do.
Santa: Yes.
ZH: I've seen you take them in the ass.
Santa: That's not true
ZH: Yes it is, you fucker.
Santa: Buhuu (Crying)
ZH: I've also saw when you took Rudolfs nose up your own ass. Just like a freaking butplug.
Santa: Nooooo! No one was supposed to see that!
ZH: Well I did! Mwuhaha!
Santa: Fuck
ZH: What did you say?
Santa: I said fuck.. Fuck.. FUUCK!!
Santa: La la la la la.. (jumping around like Pippi Longstockings)
And the ZH was still like: WTF m8!?
ZH: Santa.. don't pour gasoline all over yourself.
Santa: Weee!!
ZH: Have you gone mad?
Santa: No TV, and no beer make Santa go crasy!
ZH: PUT DOWN THE LIGHTER! You can't fuckin' put yourself on fire.
Santa: I can't?
ZH: Well.. you CAN! But it's not good for you. It will hert
Santa: Are you sure?
ZH: Yes I'm fucking sure. Now drop the lighter.
Santa: ... Hm.. ... ..
ZH: ...
Santa: I don't belive you.
ZH: Well.. suit yourself.

And that is the story about how Santa Claus commited suicide. Maybe he was a japanese after all?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me likie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to se yoor girl. PIC PIC PIC!!!!!!!!! Im goin crazy here.